Monkeychat Blog

Introducing New Comment Growth Features at Monkeychat...

Very powerful comment growth features in many ways and adds many new features. This feature includes: Comment hide/delete, multi-media comment reply, full page campaign, tag campaign etc. Lets se...

How To Build A Condition-Based Messenger Bot On The Flow Builder...

Recently, we have released a  feature called  Conditional Reply . With this feature, you can build a condition and rules-based messenger bot that can talk to people intelligently. ...

A Detailed Manual Of Monkeychat Flow Builder...

In this blog, I will show you how to create Facebook Messenger bot and Instagram DM bot with Monkeychat Flow Builder. Please follow the instructional blog step by step to create an interactive Faceboo...

How To Create A Persistent Menu In Messenger Bot With Monkeychat...

In this how-to-blog, I will show you how to create a persistent menu in a messenger bot with Monkeychat. To create a persistent menu, first, go to the dashboard of Monkeychat. Then click on the b...

How To Integrate ActiveCampaign With Monkeychat...

PrerequisitesCreate an ActiveCampaign account.Integrate Using Access TokenOpen your ActiveCampaign dashboard.Click on the gears icon on the bottom left to open the Settings.Click on the Deve...

Official Instagram Chatbot Automation Tool...

Instagram Chat Bot Monkeychat built with the official Messenger API for Instagram. Like Chatbot for Facebook, Chatbot for Instagram is created with love, passion, and dedication. The is highly efficie...

How To Present Your Business To Instagram Users Using Monkeychat...

If you want to grow your business, you need to obtain thousands of followers on Social Media. The more you have followers on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, the more your business grows. ...

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