Official Instagram Chatbot Automation Tool

  • Monkeychat
  • May 09, 2022
Instagram Chatbot

Instagram Chat Bot Monkeychat built with the official Messenger API for Instagram. Like Chatbot for Facebook, Chatbot for Instagram is created with love, passion, and dedication. The is highly efficient, robust, error-free, and user-friendly.

The Instagram BOT can do almost everything the Messenger bot can do and more. For example, it can reply to customer queries and provide information about products, offers, and discounts with text and image replies, generic templates, and carousels. Moreover, it can reply to story mentions. Besides, with quick reply, it can collect users’ data— phone numbers and email addresses. Of course, the IniChat can let the users shop from your Ecommerce Store inside Instagram Messenger.

In addition, using Messenger Bot Enhancers, it can send Sequence Messages— 24-hour promotional and Daily non-promotional. Furthermore, with User Input Flow and Custom Fields,  the Instagram chat bot can collect current and original data from users in a conversational way. Of course, it can send private reply on Instagram Messenger to the users who have commented under posts.

Besides building Chatbot for Instagram on Classic bot builder, you can easily build Instagram Bot on the Flow Builder, the most powerful Monkeychat add-on. The Flow Builder has a special element called Condition. And with the Condition element, you can build a condition-based intelligent Chatbot for Instagram. Based on the users’ data, Instagram Intelligent bot can take decisions. Therefore, Instagram intelligent Chatbot doesn’t send the same message to every people. Instead, it can send the right message to the right people.

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