Introducing New Comment Growth Features at Monkeychat

  • Monkeychat
  • Oct 27, 2022
Facebook Automation

Very powerful comment growth features in many ways and adds many new features. This feature includes: Comment hide/delete, multi-media comment reply, full page campaign, tag campaign etc. Lets see more below.Comment hide/delete:

Do you know how many customers of yours are being stolen by your competitors? Yes, your competitor always looking at your page and actively they are sending private messages commenting on your page. Hide comments after giving a reply that nobody can see the comment and prevent stealing your customers. You can also hide offensive comments based on keyword matching.

Multi-media comment reply:

From now on you can send images or gifs or even videos as a comment reply. Make your comment reply more attractive and effective using multi-media.

Full-page campaigns:

You can set a comment & inbox reply campaign and a like & share campaign for the full page, meaning one setting will work for the whole Facebook page. It's a webhook-based quick process.

Tag campaign :

All the commenters will get a notification about your comment & they will visit it again. You can make your post viral again as the post will again start to display in people's feeds and also friends of commenters.Mentioning commenters in reply will make it more personalized and a notification will be sent to each commenter. Suppose your post has 1K comments and you want to reply to them all by mentioning the commenter's name. You can do this by simply creating an easy campaign.

Key Features:

Comment hide/delete (Enhancement):

  • Hide comments after private reply
  • Hide unwanted/abusive comments
  • Delete unwanted/abusive comments
  • Private reply on comment deletion

Multi-media comment reply (Enhancement):

  • Add an image/GIF in the comment reply
  • Add video in the comment reply
  • Supports image URL

Full-page campaign (New):

  • Comment reply campaign
  • Inbox private reply campaign
  • Like/share the page’s new post as your other pages
  • Supports comment hide/delete & multi-media reply

Tag campaign (New):

  • Comment reply to each comment tagging the commenter
  • Comment in the post bulk tagging all commenters
  • Exclude people while bulk tagging
  • Supports spinach to make comments look different
  • Supports image/video in the tagged comment
  • Supports campaign scheduling
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